Itu Information Technology Center
ITU Information Technology Center Building, was awarded for 2019 Turkish Yearbook of Architecture.
ITU Information Technology Center Building, was also awarded the LEED Platinum Certification, the highst level of LEED green building certification.
The design encapsulates two separate independent departments the “Information Technology Directorate, ITD” and the “Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences, EIES”.
During the design process, factors like topography and function have guided the shaping of the mass. The resulting form is a stepped mass in the height, thus allowing the five-storied building to blend in with its surroundings and project a lighter image.
The building has two main entrance. It is envisaged that the perceived mass of the Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences, which is entered from the upper level and has three floors, will be more transparent in the green texture of the campus. The two-storied the Information Technology Directorate main entrance is located at lower elevation and designed with a less transparent character, considering its functional features.
Despite the partial - stepped mass formation, a vertically and horizontally continuous-graded interior design created unity of the building. Perception of continuity as well as natural light penetration are provided in the building.
Modularity, flexibility and divisibility-combinability have been taken into account in interior design layout and facade design. The building has been designed according to the sustainability and green building principles such as building direction, integration with landscape, natural light penetration, indoor and landscape water efficiency, material efficiency, renewable energy and energy efficiency.